About Us


Kansas Correctional Industries, KCI, as a part of the overall Kansas criminal justice system, contributes to a more efficient use of public funds, by offering inmate produced goods and services to State and local governmental units and to other qualified organizations at a lower cost, while maintaining a high level of quality and service. In addition, KCI provides quality training and employment for inmates.


Manufactured Products & Services

Kansas statutes limit those authorized to purchase products manufactured and services provided by State operated correctional industries to State agencies; counties; cities; other units of local government; the Federal government; schools; churches; current State of Kansas employees; and eligible not-for-profit organizations. Similar agencies in other states are also eligible to purchase from KCI if their state laws do not prohibit it.

Traditional Industries

Created in 1957 by the "Prison Made Goods Act"

Currently, KCI employs over 1,100 inmates, which is over 13% of the inmate workforce, in a combination of traditional and private sector jobs. Those jobs consist of both high and low skilled opportunities and provide a large number of inmates with highly marketable job skills upon release from prison.

Private Industries

Partnerships between KCI and private industries, which result in the employment of inmates inside and outside prisons, benefit a variety of stakeholders.

Benefits to Company

  • Access to a dependable, productive and flexible workforce.
  • Pay reasonable wages.
  • Obtain Federal Tax Credit of $2,400 for each inmate worker hired.
  • No Federal or State Unemployment Taxes.

Benefits to Inmates

  • Acquire valuable work habits and skills.
  • Earn at least Federal Minimum Wage.
  • Meet Child Support obligations.
  • Receive mandatory savings upon release.

Benefits to State

  • High quality experience and training provided at no cost to taxpayers.
  • Restitution paid to crime victims.
  • Room and board payments collected from inmate workers.
  • State and Federal Income Taxes collected.
  • Fewer inmate disciplinary problems.
  • Offender recidivism reduced.

If you are interested in obtaining more information about the private industry program or would like to explore partnership opportunities, please contact Richard O'Donnell at (913) 727-3249 or RIchard.ODonnell@ks.gov.

 Our Mission

"Building Bridges for Success"

Kansas Correctional Industries, KCI, as a part of the overall Kansas criminal justice system, contributes to a more efficient use of public funds, by offering inmate produced goods and services to State and local governmental units and to other qualified organizations at a lower cost, while maintaining a high level of quality and service. In addition, KCI provides employment opportunities for Kansas adults in custody, educating and empowering them to become law-abiding, tax-paying citizens through successful work skills training.

Who We Are

Correctional Industries is a unique blend of business and government, using private industry tool and techniques to provide a public service. Thousands of inmates gain work experience and training as they produce high quality, competitively priced products, which translates into enormous benefits for taxpayers, the inmates who work and learn in CI, and for you, our customers.

Workforce Development

Correctional Industries has two objectives to enhance the work training programs we currently run statewide. The first is to ensure every qualified CI inmate who wants assistance is "work ready" and employable upon release. The second objective is to link with community partners on job readiness, job placement, and Vocational Education to provide a pathway of continuous employment from prison into the community.


With 97% of all incarcerated inmates returning to local communities, Correctional Industries plays an important role in their transition. With the seed money from their savings, job skills and experience gained from CI, the inmates have a greater chance of finding a job - enabling them to work toward a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities.

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